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No Summary Judgment for Worker's Labor Law Claim Based on Fall From Fire Escape Ladder

By WorkCompCentral

Friday, December 7, 2018 | 0

A New York appellate court ruled that a worker’s Labor Law claim based on a fall from a fire escape could not be resolved on summary judgment. Case: Goya v. Longwood Housing Development Fund Co., Nos. 7761 23359/14E 43017/16E 43120/16E 43142/16E 43252/16E 43282/16E, 12/04/2018, published. Facts: Milton Goya allegedly suffered injuries in a fall from a fire escape ladder while working on a construction project. The A.A.D. Construction Corp. was the general contractor. Procedural history: Goya filed a Labor Law claim against A.A.D. and moved for summary judgment as to the company's ...

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