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The following definitions apply to this Article:   (a) Cardiovascular evaluation. “Cardiovascular evaluation” means the determination of disability due to ...more
The Medical Director may assign legal counsel and investigators to conduct all matters related to this Article.   (d) The powers and discretion of the Administrative ...more
63....Denial of Appointment or Reappointment
  (b) If the applicant fails to submit a specific, written response to the notice of denial within thirty (30) days, the decision to deny shall become final without ...more
The following definitions apply in this article:   (a) Bona Fide Statistical Research. The analysis of existing workers' compensation data for the purpose of ...more
  (c) Computer-Aided Realtime Translation (CART): a form of captioning in which spoken words are translated onto a computer screen as the words are spoken.   (e) ...more
9708.2....Disability Accommodations Request Process
  (b) A request for a disability accommodation to participate in the Division's programs, activities, or services may be made in writing on an optional disability ...more
9708.4....Disability Accommodation Requests in Division of Workers\' Compensation Hearings
(a) Disability accommodations requests are considered to be non-substantive requests that are separate from the merits of a legal case.   (b) Disability accommodation ...more
9708.5....Decision-Making Process
  (c) For each disability accommodation request, the Division shall, either:   (1) Issue a decision to provide the requested disability accommodation in whole or in ...more
For the purposes of this Article and Section 123. 5(a) of the Labor Code, the following definitions shall apply:   (a) “Salary” shall include ordinary pay, ...more
For purposes of this Article and Section 123. 6 of the Labor Code, the following definitions shall apply:   (a) “Code of Judicial Ethics” shall mean the Code ...more
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