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Industry Insights


Langham: Best Wishes, Judge Sojourner 02/01/2023
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
We bade farewell Tuesday to Judge Margaret Sojourner. ...Read More

Langham: Adding Tools to the Set 01/25/2023
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
The time draws nigh for my favorite continuing education opportunity of the year.  ...Read More

Langham: Workplace Road Safety 11/30/2022
By: David Langham
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Thanksgiving week 2022 was one of difficult news stories. There were multiple reminders that the workplace is dangerous. ...Read More

Langham: Thoughts on Safety 10/03/2022
By: David Langham
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
We pause and think about safety periodically. There is a vast assortment of challenges out there in the world that may result in an accident. Workers' compensation is built for such instances and remains focused on safety after about 100 years (in some jurisdictions a bit more, in others a bi...Read More

Langham: An Evidence Constraint 07/06/2022
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
On May 5, the governor signed SB 542 (whose companion had been HB 411 until it was "laid on the table"...Read More

Lim: Defendant With Lion's Share of CT Doesn't Always Get the Election 06/10/2022
By: David K. Lim
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Typically, in a cumulative trauma claim where there are two carriers having partial coverage, the applicant will elect against one of the co-defendants under Labor Code 5500.5. ...Read More

Langham: Transitioning in the 2022 Consolidation 05/10/2022
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
In March, the Office of Judges of Compensation Claims announced that there would be consolidation of district offices (see Consolidation, Mediation and Remuneration). Day...Read More

Lowe: Templates Revised for Disputed Cases 04/29/2022
By: Lisa A. Lowe
State: TN | Segment: Top | 0
We use certain words to mean certain things. Sometimes, we use a word or phrase out of habit, without really thinking of the meaning or implication. ...Read More

Langham: Consolidation, Mediation and Remuneration 04/01/2022
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
The rumor mill is an active and intriguing place. A few rumors trickle back to me periodically. This post addresses some that seem pertinent and popular recently.  ...Read More

Langham: A Judge Inducted to the College 02/25/2022
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
I write to celebrate Judge Eduardo Almeyda. Next week in New Orleans, the College of Workers' Compensation Lawyers will recognize him by inducting him as a fellow of the college. It is a proud day indeed, for Judge Almeyda and for this office in which he serves. ...Read More
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