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Industry Insights


Paduda: 919,400 People Aren't Working Because of Opioid Use 04/11/2018
Source: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
My best guess is about a quarter of those are work comp patients. ...Read More

Paduda: Opioids: Bad News and Good 03/23/2018
Source: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Patients taking opioids over the long term don’t go back to work, yet many long-term opioid patients can be weaned off opioids within two years. ...Read More

Paduda: Is Work Comp Medical Inflation Increasing? 03/16/2018
Source: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
USI’s 2018 Insurance Market Outlook indicates workers’ comp medical inflation will hit 6%, a significant jump over recent years.  ...Read More

Paduda: Are You Being Gamed? 02/26/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
I’ve had a number of conversations of late with self-insured employers about their workers’ comp “savings” reports. One thing that keeps coming up is how — and why — vendors game the numbers. ...Read More

Paduda: Stone Point Buys Genex — Again 02/16/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Case management/bill review/utilization review/independent medical exam company Genex has been re-purchased by Stone Point Capital. Stone Point sold the business to Apax in 2014. ...Read More

Paduda: An Anesthesiologist on Opioid Addiction and Treatment 02/08/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Some doctors are changing the way they talk about and address pain, offering hope that fewer opioid addicts will be created. ...Read More

Paduda: Concentra's Approach to Telemedicine 01/26/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Today we’re continuing to dig into what individual companies are doing in telemedicine. ...Read More

Paduda: Predictions for Work Comp in 2018 01/08/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Good to be back at work — and ready to opine on what 2018 holds for work comp. Here, in no particular order, are my educated guesses, considered opinions and wild-assed speculations. ...Read More

Paduda: We Haven't Seen Anything Yet 01/04/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0 | Popular with Legal
Health care is changing really quickly and quite dramatically. Stuff we never would have thought of is happening every day. ...Read More

Paduda: Workers' Comp is Shrinking 12/29/2017
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
In 2020, there will be 10% fewer claims than there are today. ...Read More
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