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Industry Insights

Rating for Scar & Skin Graft 02/10/2007
By: Dr. Christopher R. Brigham
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Dr. Christopher Brigham In order to perform an accurate impairment assessment of a scar or skin graft, the following information needs to be obtained: 1. Are there associated abnormal signs or symptoms of the scar, and how frequently are they present? For example, is the sc...Read More
Reviewing Section 4658 02/10/2007
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Allan Leno Correction In last month's edition, the effective date for the new return to work small employer reimbursement regulations (Sections 10004, 10005) was inadvertently shown as 8/1/06. The correct date is 8/18/06. PD-RTW Adjustments (L.C. Secti...Read More
Rating for Ankle Motion Impairment 01/27/2007
By: Dr. Christopher R. Brigham
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Dr. Christopher Brigham This week's tip is courtesy of Ken Subin, MD, MPH who joined our staff on a full-time basis this month. (Dr. Subin is a highly qualified occupational medicine physician who has a superb understanding of the AMA Guides.) The evaluation for ankle motion...Read More
Rating Patellofemoral Arthritis 01/27/2007
By: Dr. Christopher R. Brigham
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Dr. Christopher Brigham Question: My patient has patellofemoral knee pain but the joint interval on X-ray looks normal. Does the patient have a ratable impairment? Answer: Possibly. Although Table 17-31 on page 544 of the Guides in...Read More
Rating Spinal Degenerative Disease 01/13/2007
By: Dr. Christopher R. Brigham
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Dr. Christopher Brigham We want to discuss the problems we are seeing with rating spinal degenerative disk disease. A frequent problem we are seeing is using the Range of Motion Method for rating spinal degenerative disk disease. Question: In r...Read More
Reduced Employer Costs: Reason to Cheer, be Wary 01/13/2007
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Don Brunell The announcement that workers' compensation and unemployment insurance rates will be lower this year is good news for Washington employers, workers and their families. Gov. Chris Gregoire announced that the Department of Labor and Industries will reduce rates by ...Read More
Rating Sleeping Disturbances 01/13/2007
State: CA | Segment: | 0 | Popular with Legal
By Christopher Brigham I'm glad you are reading this because we want the AMA Guides to be applied in an appropriate manner to assure accurate, unbiased ratings. We are seeing serious problems with ratings, are you? I want to discuss the problems we are seeing with rating sleep...Read More
REPS Helps Agencies Identify Risks 12/02/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Benny Vanden Avond Do you remember "The Jetsons?" They lived in a utopian world of elaborate robotic contraptions, moving sidewalks, and flying space cars. Father George Jetson was the digital index operator at "Spacely Space Sprockets." His co-worker, the talking computer Referential ...Read More
Ranking the Cost of Comp 11/18/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Peter Rousmaniere Sometimes we want to know how a state is doing relative to others with regard to the cost of workers insurance, the efficiency of the insurance system and the adequacy of benefits. Each year, Actuarial & Technical Solutions, Inc. publishes a ranking of the cos...Read More
Rusin's Review of Good, Bad and Ugly Court Decisions 11/04/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Michael E. Rusin Before the Supreme Court of Illinois Claim for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Held to be Timely Even Though Petitioner Knew of Condition and Did Not File a Claim Within Three Years, Deana Durand v. Industrial Commission and RLI Insurance Company, Docke...Read More
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