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Industry Insights

What Did You Say About My Overhead Projector? 12/02/2006
By: Jim Smith
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Jim Smith There was a male claimant who worked in the audio/visual department of a large teaching hospital. For a year this man kept a secret diary of any and all negative comments made by his co-workers regarding the audio/visual equipment used at the hospital. After a year o...Read More
Wal-Mart: Wrong Turn On Ergonomics 12/02/2006
By: Jordan Barab
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Jordan Barab Gotta hand it to Wal-Mart. They certainly know how to spin the press. They're happy all the time, they help people save money, they have "associates," not employees, they're the new environmental champions, and now they've apparently become a leader in ergonomics. ...Read More
What a Blue America Means for Work Comp 11/18/2006
By: Jordan Barab
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Jordan Barab Well, that couldn't have gone much better now, could it? First time since '98 I've waken on election morning without feeling like going back to sleep for the next two years. And, of course, although the pundits and prognosticators missed it totally, we know th...Read More
Work Comp Fraud; Stop the Hypocrisy 11/18/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By David J. DePaolo It seems that fraud and workers' compensation just belong together. The sad part is that those who commit the most heinous criminal acts and cause the greatest civil damage always seem to be just out of reach of the "long arm of the law." What's worse, is that we as...Read More
Who Pays for Penalties? 11/18/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By James Moore Who Pays for Fines and Penalties Incurred by the WC Carrier? Some state jurisdictions issue fines and penalties if state forms are not filed timely, if lost time benefits are not issued timely, or for frivolous litigation, etc. Many insurers charge these f...Read More
Why Repackaged Drugs Need Price Control 11/04/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By David J. DePaolo The last vestige of physician profiteering in workers' compensation is in the cross hairs of the California Division of Workers' Compensation, and presages another national trend that physicians throughout the nation can expect -- the end of repackaged drugs. ...Read More
Wisc. Insurance Commissioner Made the Right Call 10/21/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Milan Yager Wisconsin's small business owners who have come to depend on professional employer organizations (PEOs) can applaud a recent decision by Wisconsin Commissioner of Insurance Jorge Gomez. Gomez has decided to hold off implementing new, overly restrictive rules gove...Read More
WCAB Upholds Order Disallowing Medical Exam Under Section 4064(d) 10/07/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Jake Jacobsmeyer The WCAB issued a "Significant Panel Decision[1]" addressing the use of Labor Code Section 4064(d) as means to evade the mandatory language in Labor Code Sections 4060 & 4062.2 to obtain an admissible medical legal report. The board concluded that the language in Labo...Read More
Why No Court Does Apportionment Right 09/09/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By David J. DePaolo August will go down in workers' compensation history as Apportionment Month. California courts of appeal issued in quick succession a couple of decisions that has thrown an already arcane legal concept into complete disarray, leaving hundreds of millions of dollars of ...Read More
When Health Care Providers May File As Subclaimants 08/12/2006
State: CA | Segment: | 0
The Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) has provided clarification regarding health care providers filing as subclaimants to compensability and extent of injury disputes. The clarification was provided in the April/May 2006 edition of the DWC's ...Read More
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