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ReEmployAbility and Work Comp Central Announce Free Webinar: Overcoming Jurisdictional Return-to-Work Challenges

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 | 2363 | 0

ReEmployAbility and Work Comp Central Announce Free Webinar: "Overcoming Jurisdictional Return-to-Work Challenges" 

Brandon, FL (May 10, 2023)- ReEmployAbility CEO and Founder Debra Livingston will be hosting a second free, live Work Comp Central webinar in their continued series to educate the worker's compensation and risk management industries.

Each state has its own unique set of return-to-work laws and jurisdictional nuances with differing interpretations that can make return-to-work solutions difficult to navigate for all parties. It's necessary for all stakeholders to understand these elements and how they impact the return-to-work process to ensure that all the correct steps are being followed in each state.

The course will explore return-to-work legislation, the unique legal climate of different states, and best practices for return-to-work programs that can reduce the impact of litigation on the employer.

Panelists will discuss jurisdictional challenges and legal components of return-to-work programs to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and tools to navigate the legal aspects of the return-to-work process across various states and implement effective solutions.

Livingston will be joined by:

  • Jason D. Kolecke, Esq. - Partner at Hennessey & Roach P.C.  (IL)
  • Michelle C. Sebring, Esq. - Partner at Laughlin, Falbo, Levy & Moresi LLP (CA)
  • M. George Waters, Esq. - Equity Partner at Eraclides Gelman (GA & TN)
  • YaSheaka C. Williams, Esq. - Partner at Quintairos, Prieto, Wood, & Boyer, P.A. (FL)


The Webinar is scheduled for May 24, 2023, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST.

Register for the free Overcoming Jurisdictional Return to Work Challenges webinar on the WorkCompCentral Website.