CA WCAB Panel Opinions
While WorkCompCentral strives to include all CA WCAB Panel opinions in its database, there is no guarantee that this database is complete. Only opinions from July 1, 2007 to the last day of the prior month will be available. A new batch of cases are added generally around the 15th of every month, but may be earlier or later. Acrobat Reader is required to view the files. Unless the opinion is marked En Banc or Significant Panel Decision, it is not stare decisis or res judicata, and should not be cited as legal precedence. The following decisions are presented here for information only. All steps have been taken to ensure the electronic accuracy of these decisions. However, the printed version of each decision remains the official decision. Description and summary information appearing on this page are for the convenience of the reader and NOT considered part of the decisions.
For more information, watch our Panel Opinions informational video!
Citing a Panel Opinion
While it is true that Appeals Board panel decisions are not binding precedent and have no stare decisis effect, the WCAB considers them to the extent it finds their reasoning persuasive. Unlike unpublished appellate court opinions, which, pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 8.1115(a), may not be cited or relied on, except as specified by rule 8.1115(b), Appeals Board panel decisions are citable, even though they have no precedential value.