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Wednesday, July 26, 2023 | 694 | 0

WHY: Montana workers are 1.26 times the national average more likely to be injured on the job. Some of those accidents are catastrophic or even fatal. Kids' Chance of Montana (KCMT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing assistance to the dependents of workers who have been injured or killed on the job. In support of that effort, Montana State Fund (MSF), the state's largest and leading workers' compensation insurance company, is donating up-to $150,000 to KCMT over five years ($30,000/year) when matched with $30,000/year in donations from other sources.


A ceremonial check presentation will be made to Kids' Chance President, Leah Tietz, and a scholarship presentation will be made to Mia Palmer, the daughter of Trooper Wade Palmer who was injured in the line of duty in 2019.


WHO: Kids' Chance President, Leah Tietz

Kids' Chance, & MSF Board Member, Michael Marsh

MSF President & Chief Executive Officer, Holly O'Dell

Kids' Chance of America Board Member, Robert Wilson (Zoom)

Trooper Wade Palmer

Lindsey Palmer

Mia Palmer


WHAT: Up-to $150,000 Donation to Kids' Chance of Montana


WHERE: Montana State Fund

855 Front Street

Helena, MT 59601


WHEN: Thursday, July 27, 2023

10:35am (media pre-sets)

10:45am (presentation begins)



Ethan Heverly

495-5426 (O)

(406) 544-8287 (m)




Montana State Fund is Montana's largest workers' compensation insurance company,

Insuring approximately 25,000 businesses and organizations.