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Tuesday, August 22, 2023 | 787 | 0

Young Workers Ages 18-24 are Twice as Likely to be Injured on the Job, Program Aims to Raise Awareness

HELENA, MT—Montana State Fund (MSF), the state's not-for-profit and leading workers' compensation insurance company concluded its 2023 Ag and Young Worker Spotlight program this week following stops in Shelby, Sidney, and Kalispell for the respective county fairs and 4H Livestock Sales. Ag is Montana's #1 industry and is considered a high-hazard industry in the state. Montana State Fund insures approximately 24,000 employers across the state, including more than 90% of the agricultural industry, for on-the-job accidents. Young workers, ages 18-24 are twice as likely to be injured than their older colleagues.

"Being the industry leader means going above and beyond to make sure workers and employers know we are more than just their insurer—we are their partner in achieving a healthier and safer workplace," said Ethan Heverly, MSF's Director of Government and Community Relations. "Montana's accident frequency is 1.26 times the national average, meaning a worker in Montana is more likely to be injured on the job than a worker in most any other state in the country. To improve this statistic, it is important to raise awareness and that is what this program is intended to do."


This is the second year MSF has run the program which is believed to be a win-win-win. MSF purchases a steer at auction and donates beef to the local food bank. In Sidney, the donation will be made to the Richland County Food Bank which also intends to share some of the donation with the Fairview Food Bank. In July, MSF purchased another steer at Marias Fair and made a similar donation to the Sage Brush Food Pantry. The Kalispell donation will go to the Flathead Food Bank. The 4H participant wins, MSF wins by spotlighting workplace safety, and the community wins with the food bank donation.

"As Montana's not-for-profit workers' compensation insurer, we are proud to play an active role in raising awareness of the importance of workplace safety, especially for young workers. The key to continuing to lower premium rates in Montana is reducing the number of accidents. Operating a safe and healthy workplace can result in a win for employers, too."

At auction, MSF purchased MJ Gustafson's steer (Browny) in Shelby, Cooper McNally steer (Gus) in Sidney, and Guadalupe Chentnik's steer (Mr. Moo) in Kalispell.
