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9767.18....Random Reviews
(a) The Administrative Director may conduct random reviews of any approved Medical Provider Network to determine if the requirements of this article and Labor Code ...more
9767.2....Review of Medical Provider Network Application or Plan for Reapproval
  (b) Within 180 days of the Administrative Director's receipt of a complete plan for reapproval, the Administrative Director shall approve for a four-year period or ...more
9767.3....Requirements for a Medical Provider Network Plan
(a) As long as the application for a medical provider network plan meets the requirements of Labor Code section 4616 et seq. and this article, nothing in this section ...more
9768.14....Retention of Records by Independent Medical Reviewer
Each Independent Medical Reviewer shall retain all comprehensive medical reports completed by the Independent Medical Reviewer for a period of five years from the date of ...more
9768.8....Removal of Physicians from Independent Medical Reviewer List
  (b) The Administrative Director shall cancel the IMR contract and remove a physician from the Independent Medical Reviewer list if the Administrative Director ...more
9771.75....Reimbursements on a Fee-for-Services Basis: Determination of Status of Claims
  These procedures shall involve the use of either a claims log, claims numbering system, electronic data processing records, and/or any other method held ...more
9771.78....Removal of Books and Records from State
The books and records of an organization, management company, solicitor firm, and any provider or subcontractor providing workers' compensation health care or other ...more
9771.83....Retention of Books and Records
After such books and records have been preserved for two years, they may be warehoused or stored, or microfilmed, subject to their availability to the Administrative ...more
9773.1....Referrals to Chiropractors
HCOs shall maintain guidelines for chiropractor care in accordance with paragraph (2) of subdivision (1) of Section 4600. 5 of the Labor Code. The HCO must include a ...more
9776.1....Return to Work Coordination
An HCO shall maintain a return to work program in conjunction with the employer and claims administrator to facilitate and coordinate returning injured workers to the ...more
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