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NSC Says THC Not for Those in Safety-Sensitive Jobs

Thursday, October 24, 2019 | 0

The National Safety Council is urging workers in safety-sensitive jobs to refrain from marijuana use, even if the drug is legal and recommended by a doctor.

“Research is clear that cannabis impacts psychomotor skills and cognitive ability,” the NSC said in a policy statement issued this week. “At this time, NSC believes there is no level of cannabis use that is safe or acceptable for employees who work in safety-sensitive positions.”

The statement comes as states across the country move to decriminalize marijuana or allow medical or recreational use of the drug. Despite the growing acceptance of the weed, however, employers need to be aware that even small amounts of the drug can lead to mistakes and accidents, the council said.

“By adopting this position, NSC will be able to increase involvement in the policy discussion about cannabis impairment, and provide guidance for employers as they navigate changing cannabis laws,” the council's statement reads.

The NSC noted that a study from the National Institute on Drug Abuse showed that employees who tested positive for cannabis had 55% more industrial incidents, 85% more injuries and 75% greater absenteeism compared to those who tested negative.

Workers who engage in work activity that can be dangerous to themselves and others should be moved to non-safety-critical positions if they test positive for THC, the council said.


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