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Cuomo Vetoes Acupuncture Bill, Again

Wednesday, January 2, 2019 | 0

For the third time in five years, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has vetoed a bill that would have made acupuncture a compensable medical treatment for injured workers.

The New York Senate approved Senate Bill 6666 in December, but it was vetoed by the governor Friday. Cuomo vetoed a similar bill in 2013 and again in 2014.

This year's measure would have allowed acupuncturists to treat injured workers as long as the therapists are licensed and registered with the state Workers' Compensation Board.

"The medical field of acupuncture provides positive health benefits to patients where traditional treatments have not been successful," reads an explanation that accompanied the bill. "In some cases, acupuncture treatment can be an alternative to pharmaceutical medication when dealing with pain relief."

Fees would have been set by the board, the bill notes. 

The bill was sponsored by Sen. Luis Sepulveda, D-Bronx, and Sen. George Amedore, R-Rotterdam.


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