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Industry Insights


Grinberg: Filing Limit Doesn't Turn on 'Knowledge of Industrial Causation' 06/20/2018
Source: Gregory Grinberg
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Have you seen the Terry v. Department of Corrections decision (writ denied) originating at the Eureka board? ...Read More

Duff: Why Quid Pro Quo Unconstitutionality Arguments Work Better in Some States Than Others 06/19/2018
By: Michael C. Duff
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Quid pro quo arguments resonate more forcefully in Kansas and Florida than in many other states, and there is a state constitutional doctrinal reason why this is so. ...Read More

Weinmann: When Carriers Ignore Judges' Orders 06/18/2018
By: Robert Weinmann
State: CA | Segment: Top | 3
When can insurance companies ignore judge's orders? Anytime they want to it appears. The following is a case example.  ...Read More

Gelman: Workers Exposed to Common Paint Strippers Suffer Fatal Reactions 06/15/2018
Source: Jon L. Gelman
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Litigation is advancing against the distributors and resellers of paint strippers containing methylene chloride and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP). The lawsuits were filed for damages resulting from the alleged exposure, illness and death of users of the products. ...Read More

Paduda: Drug Rebates, Technology and What's Next 06/14/2018
Source: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Two years ago, brand-drug manufacturers paid out $127 billion in rebates, and other discounts and fees. ...Read More

Grinberg: 90-Day Presumption Defeats Going-and-Coming Rule 06/13/2018
By: Gregory Grinberg
State: CA | Segment: Top | 1
Did you know, before members of the defense community go to sleep, we check underneath our beds for the most terrifying monster of all — the 90-day presumption? ...Read More

Torrey: Identifying the Source of Recent Constitutional Challenges 06/12/2018
By: David B. Torrey
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
In a new article, the articulate chair of the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission discusses the unprecedented number of constitutional challenges we have seen the last two years or so surrounding state worker...Read More

Young: Another Rate Decrease 06/11/2018
By: Julius Young
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Advisory California workers’ comp rates are set to decline effective July 1 per a recent decision by Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Jones has adopted a May 29 recommendation by Department of Insurance attorney Patricia Hein for a “pure premium” rate of $1.74 per $100 of...Read More

Grinberg: No Ogilvie Rebuttal for Non-Industrial Factors 06/08/2018
By: Gregory Grinberg
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Today I bring you the panel decision in the case of Sandoval v. Waterproofing Associates.  Therein, applicant sustained an injury in 2011 while working as a roofing journeyman, and in 2016 the matter was brought to trial. The injuries were orthopedic in nature. ...Read More

Walls: Carrier's Perspective on Large WC Claims 06/07/2018
By: Mark Walls
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
High-dollar workers’ compensation claims are rare, but they can be extremely costly and have a significant impact on an employer’s workers’ compensation costs. The rarity of these claims makes studying them challenging. Safety National recently completed a review of our large cl...Read More
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