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ReEmployAbility CEO Debra Livingston offers course on offsite modified duty through WorkCompCollege

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 | 1097 | 0

ReEmployAbility CEO Debra Livingston offers course on offsite modified duty through WorkCompCollege

Brandon, FL (February 7, 2023)- ReEmployAbility is pleased to announce that founder and CEO Debra Livingston has joined the WorkCompCollege faculty to offer a two-part course on offsite modified duty, now available online at workcompcollege.com.

Debra Livingston's course, "Factors Influencing Return-To-Work and Overcoming Return-To-Work Challenges," will explore the unique elements that can impact a return-to-work program. The course also covers how offsite modified duty can help to resolve these challenges and improve an employee's well-being.

Livingston has over 25 years of workers' compensation experience and served in various executive capacities in the industry prior to founding ReEmployAbility. ReEmployAbility is the nation's largest provider of transitional work services through the Transition2Work program. Through this program, ReEmployAbility advocates for employees by encouraging an empathetic approach to the return-to-work process.

"ReEmployAbility has always been person-first, advocating for worker recovery," Livingston said. "It's a great privilege to be a part of educating our industry. I feel so fortunate to be working with such an impressive group of professionals who share my person-first mindset."

WorkCompCollege launched on November 17, 2022 and provides formal training and professional certification in the worker's compensation industry. There is no other formal training system that focuses on whole-person recovery, according to their website.

To access the course and enroll in the Worker's Recovery Professional Certification visit workcompcollege.com

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About ReEmployAbility:
Founded in 2003, ReEmployAbility is the largest national provider of early return-to-work (RTW) services and transitional employment. Their Transition2Work program offers employers a cost-effective solution to modified light-duty assignments, reducing claim costs while giving the injured employee time to heal. Utilizing an accredited, national network of not-for-profit partners, they help employers accommodate injured workers in the transition back to work by connecting people to a greater purpose so they can have a better life. For more information, call 866-663-9880, or visit www.ReEmployAbility.com.