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Cities Deny Allegation of Ignoring Cancer Presumption

Monday, August 12, 2019 | 0

The executive director for the League of Arizona Cities and Towns denied allegations that municipal governments are intentionally violating the presumption that cancer is a compensable condition for firefighters.

Ken Strobeck said cities throughout the state are aware of the presumption and doing their best to balance the needs of firefighters with their obligations to taxpayers during an interview with the National Public Radio affiliate in Phoenix, KJZZ.

Strobeck said issues surrounding the presumption aren’t as black-and-white as a state lawmaker who authored a 2017 bill to expand the firefighter cancer presumption made it out to be during a recent interview with the radio station.

Strobeck said municipal employers are legally obligated to decide on whether to accept a claim within 20 days. He said cities and towns rarely have the data or clinical information needed to decide within 20 days, “so as a matter of process, a denial is issued.”

He said it would probably be more accurate to say the claim is “pending” than to call it a denial. He also said a denial is “not a final word” and just means the process is underway. A final determination is made when the investigation is completed, Strobeck said.

State Sen. Paul Boyer, R-Phoenix, told the radio station last week that some cities including Gilbert and Tempe were flouting the cancer presumption and “systematically denying firefighter cancer claims when they get cancer on the job.”

Boyer authored the 2017 bill that expanded the list of cancers covered by the presumption.


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