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Shaping Up and Sorting Out

Monday, April 19, 2010 | 0

By Julius Young
Boxer Gerson

This year's California governor's race will have vast consequences for the workers' comp system and the comp community.

The California Chamber of Commerce is already putting their foot down.

The Chamber, very active on workers' comp issues during the Schwarzenegger era, is now going up on the air with anti-Jerry Brown ads, "Enough is Enough", claiming that he is for high taxes and out of control spending.

We'll be seeing an orgy of independent expenditure ads this political season. Workers' comp will be an issue, but an issue dwarfed by calls for public employee pension reform and tax and spending issues.

Meanwhile, Jerry Brown now has a "progressive" challenger, Peter Schurman of San Francisco, a former Moveon.org executive. There are a number of bloggers and netroots activists who are skeptical of the Brown campaign. Whether this will sap much needed energy from the Brown campaign or whether Brown can turn the fire from the left into more acceptance by independent voters remains to be seen.

Meanwhile, eMeg Whitman has made a pit stop, refueling her campaign with $20 million more in cash.

Just when are those Poizner ads finally going to run?

<i>Julius Young is a claimant's attorney for Boxer Gerson law firm in Oakland. This column was reprinted with his permission from his blog, http://workerscompzone.com/</i>


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