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Chamber Sets Discussion of Health Care's Relationship With Comp

Thursday, December 14, 2023 | 0

The Illinois Chamber of Commerce has set a webinar to help professionals navigate the "Intersection Between FMLA, ADA, Workers' Comp and Illinois Leave Issues," 10:30-noon Jan. 18.

Avoiding pitfalls and improving compliance with the laws are the main focuses of the event.

"The Family Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disability Act, Illinois workers’ compensation laws and Illinois’ various leave laws impose significant requirements on employers (and their supervisors) to properly address workplace injuries and respond to employees’ requests for medical leaves of absence or other workplace accommodations," the chamber said. "In this webinar, employers will learn how to avoid common pitfalls and compliance errors, thus minimizing risk to their business."

The webinar will include the following topics:

  • When each law applies.
  • Employer’s obligations under each law.
  • How these laws interact with each other.
  • Best practices regarding documentation.
  • How to manage leave and workplace accommodations when one or more of these laws apply.

The cost to attend for members is $145 and $175 for nonmembers. Early-bird registration saves $25 off the cost before Jan. 9.

Registration information is here.


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