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10608.5....Service by Parties and Lien Claimants of Reports and Records on Other Parties and Lien Claimants.
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b) below, document service between parties and lien claimants may be effected by CD-ROM, DVD, or other electronic media. This shall ...more
10609....Service on Lien Claimants. [Repealed]
NOTE:  Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 4903. 1, 5708 and 5709, Labor Code. HISTORY   . Repealer filed 12-19-2002; operative ...more
10610....Cross-Examination of Physicians. [Repealed]
Note: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307, Labor Code. Reference: Article XIV, Section 4, California Constitution; Sections 4621 and 5709, Labor Code.   ...more
10615....Continuing Duty to Serve.
During the continuing jurisdiction of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board, the parties have a continuing duty to serve on each other and any lien claimant requesting ...more
10616....Employer-Maintained Medical Records.
Records from an employee assistance program are not required to be filed or served unless ordered by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board.      Note: ...more
X-rays produced in violation of this rule will be ordered returned to their original custodian at the expense of the party causing them to be produced. NOTE:  ...more
10619....Subpoena of X-Rays. [Repealed]
NOTE:  Authority cited: Sections 133, 5307, 5708 and 5709, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 4600, 5708 and 5709, Labor Code. HISTORY   . Repealer filed 12-19-2002; ...more
10620....Examination of X-Rays. [Repealed]
NOTE:  Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 4600, 5708 and 5709, Labor Code. HISTORY   . Repealer filed 12-19-2002; operative ...more
10622....Failure to Comply.
The remedies in this section are cumulative to all others authorized by law. Note: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 5703 and 5708, ...more
10626....Examining and Copying Hospital and Physicians' Records.
Subject to Labor Code section 3762, and except as otherwise provided by law, all parties, their attorneys, agents and physicians shall be entitled to examine and make ...more
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