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Overhead Drilling Robot Aims to Reduce Construction Injuries

Tuesday, November 10, 2020 | 0

Hilti, a company once known mostly for its concrete-fastening tools, has moved into the world of robots and exoskeletons for hazardous construction jobs.

The company announced last week that it has developed a semi-autonomous, overhead drilling machine. The machine could help workers avoid some of the most common injuries in commercial construction, including neck strains and falls from ladders.

The Jaibot can be steered by remote control, but also uses building information modeling data to locate drilling spots for mechanical, electrical and plumbing connections, according to a news report in Construction Dive. The device also can help control dust.

Jaibot is considered the next step in overhead drilling machines that have been developed in recent years to aid in the stressful work, but which never caught on commercially.

Hilti also has unveiled an exoskeleton, designed to reduce strain for workers who must frequently lift heavy loads.

Both technologies are an effort to improve safety, reduce costs and to address a shortage of skilled labor in the country, the company said. An estimated price on the equipment was not provided.


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