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9802....Notification by Administrative Director
The Administrative Director will notify the employer and employee as to the competence of a consulting physician within twelve (12) days of the date of the receipt of the ...more
9805....Schedule for Rating Permanent Disabilities, Adoption, Amendment
The schedule adopts and incorporates the American Medical Association (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 5th Edition. The schedule may be downloaded ...more
9805.1....Data Collection, Evaluation, and Revision of Schedule
If the Administrative Director determines that there is not a sufficient amount of data to perform a statistically valid evaluation, the Administrative Director shall ...more
9810....General Provisions
Where a claim is subject to an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program pursuant to section 3201. 5 or 3201. 7, the contents of any notice required by this Article ...more
  (f) “Employee” includes dependent(s) in the event of any injury which results in death.   (h) “Employer” means any person or entity defined as ...more
9812....Benefit Payment and Notice
  (c) Notice of Changed Benefit Rate, Payment Amount or Schedule (TD, PD). When the claims administrator changes the benefit rate, payment amount or benefit payment ...more
9813....Vocational Rehabilitation Notices. [Repealed]
Reference: Sections 138. 4, 139. 5, 4061(a), (b), (d), 4636, 4637, 4641, 4643, 4644, 4650(a)-(d), 4661. 5, 4700, 4701, 4702, 4703, 4703. 5, 4903(a) and 5402, Labor Code. ...more
9813.1....Notice of Offer of Modified or Alternative Work. For Injuries Between January 1, 2004 and December 31, 2012, Inclusive
Notice of Offer of Modified or Alternative Work.   Note: Authority cited: Sections 59, 133, 138. 3, 138. 4, 4658. 5 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. A Certificate of ...more
9813.2....Return to Work Notices. For Injuries Occurring on or After January 1, 2005
Notice of Offer of Regular Work, Notice of Offer of Modified or Alternative Work.   (c) The employer shall use Form DWC-AD 10133. 53 (Section 10133. 53) to offer ...more
9814....Salary Continuation
In relation to periods of temporary disability, where an employer provides salary or other payments in lieu of or in excess of temporary disability indemnity, the claims ...more
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