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9815....Corrected Notice
If information in any notice, or the action taken as reflected in the notice, was incorrect or incomplete, the claims administrator shall provide the employee with a ...more
9816....Enforcement of Reporting Requirements. [Repealed]
Note: Authority cited: Sections 138. 3 and 138. 4, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 138. 3, 138. 4 and 5453, Labor Code.   HISTORY   . Repealer filed 1-7-94; ...more
9817....Destruction of Records. [Repealed]
Note: Authority cited: Sections 138. 3 and 138. 4, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 138. 4, 4650, 4651, 4700-4703 and 5402, Labor Code.   HISTORY   . Repealer filed ...more
The Administrative Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation or the Director's duly authorized representative designee, or delegee. A person who holds a valid, ...more
9821....Coverage and Exclusions
(a) This article does not apply to attorneys, as defined in Section 9820(d), or physicians, as defined in Section 9820(i). Nothing in this article shall be construed to ...more
  Note: Authority cited: Sections 59, 133, 139. 43(b) and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 7, 139. 43(a), (b), (d), 139. 45 and 5430-5434, Labor Code.   ...more
9823....General Workers' Compensation Advertising Rules
  (b) All advertisements shall include the written or spoken fraud notices, in the manner set forth in Labor Code Section 5432(a), (b). The advertisement must give the ...more
9824....Identification as Representative
An advertisement for a workers' compensation non-attorney advisor or representative shall identify the advertiser as a non-attorney as follows: “ The advertiser is a ...more
9825....Representative's WCAB Qualification
No person shall advertise as or on behalf of a non-attorney advisor or representative whose right to practice before the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board is suspended ...more
9826....Advertisement by Unlicensed Attorney
This section does not permit advertising by a person whose right to practice before the WCAB, as well as his license to practice law, is suspended or revoked.   Note: ...more
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