10201....Procedure for Determining Eligibility Under Labor Code Sections 3201.5 | |
Every member must meet one of the minimum premium or cost requirements listed in paragraphs (i) through (iv) above. (G) Upon its original application and annually ...more | |
10202....Procedure for Recognizing Labor-Management Agreements Under Labor Code Section 3201.7 | |
(c) The letter of eligibility to negotiate shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year from the date of issuance. Upon joint request by the union and the ...more | |
10202.1....Petition for Permission to Negotiate a Section 3201.7 Labor-Management Agreement (DWC Form RGS-1) | |
View Graphic NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 3201. 7, Labor Code. New section filed 4-22-2004 as an emergency; operative ...more | |
10203....Reporting Data | |
For the purpose of this section, âresolvedâ means one in which ultimate liability has been determined, even though payments may be made beyond the reporting ...more | |
10203.1....Aggregate Employer Annual Report (DWC Form GV-1) | |
DWC form GV-1 NOTEAuthority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 3201. 5, 3201. 7 and 3201. 9, Labor Code. New section filed 4-22-2004 as an ...more | |
10203.3....Individual Employer Annual Report (DWC Form GV-2) | |
DWC form GV-2 NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 3201. 5, 3201. 7 and 3201. 9, Labor Code. New section filed 4-22-2004 as an ...more | |
10204....Annual Reports | |
However, if certain documents and other evidence are completely unchanged since the previous submission, the party responsible for submitting the annual update may ...more | |
10205....Definitions | |
 (b) "Administrative director" means the administrative director of the Division of Workers' Compensation or his or her designee.  (c) "Appeals board" means the ...more | |
10205.1....District Office Records Not Subject to Subpoena | |
(a) The records, files and proceedings of the district office shall not be taken from its offices either on informal request or in response to a subpoena duces tecum or ...more | |
10205.10....Manner of Filing Documents | |
(a), all documents shall be filed in paper form. Â (b) All paper documents shall be scanned into the electronic adjudication file and then destroyed no less than 30 ...more | |