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10201....Procedure for Determining Eligibility Under Labor Code Sections 3201.5
Every member must meet one of the minimum premium or cost requirements listed in paragraphs (i) through (iv) above. (G) Upon its original application and annually ...more
10202....Procedure for Recognizing Labor-Management Agreements Under Labor Code Section 3201.7
(c) The letter of eligibility to negotiate shall remain valid for a period not to exceed one year from the date of issuance. Upon joint request by the union and the ...more
10202.1....Petition for Permission to Negotiate a Section 3201.7 Labor-Management Agreement (DWC Form RGS-1)
View Graphic NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 3201. 7, Labor Code. New section filed 4-22-2004 as an emergency; operative ...more
10203....Reporting Data
For the purpose of this section, “resolved” means one in which ultimate liability has been determined, even though payments may be made beyond the reporting ...more
10203.1....Aggregate Employer Annual Report (DWC Form GV-1)
DWC form GV-1 NOTEAuthority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 3201. 5, 3201. 7 and 3201. 9, Labor Code. New section filed 4-22-2004 as an ...more
10203.3....Individual Employer Annual Report (DWC Form GV-2)
DWC form GV-2 NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 3201. 5, 3201. 7 and 3201. 9, Labor Code. New section filed 4-22-2004 as an ...more
10204....Annual Reports
However, if certain documents and other evidence are completely unchanged since the previous submission, the party responsible for submitting the annual update may ...more
  (b) "Administrative director" means the administrative director of the Division of Workers' Compensation or his or her designee.   (c) "Appeals board" means the ...more
10205.1....District Office Records Not Subject to Subpoena
(a) The records, files and proceedings of the district office shall not be taken from its offices either on informal request or in response to a subpoena duces tecum or ...more
10205.10....Manner of Filing Documents
(a), all documents shall be filed in paper form.   (b) All paper documents shall be scanned into the electronic adjudication file and then destroyed no less than 30 ...more
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