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10133.58....State Approved or Accredited Schools
Note: Authority cited: Sections 133, 4658. 5 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. Amendment filed 11-17-2008; operative 11-17-2008 pursuant to Government Code section 11343. 4 ...more
10133.59....The Administrative Director's List of Vocational Return to Work Counselors
  (b) The Administrative Director shall maintain a list of Vocational & Return to Work Counselors (VRTWC) who perform the work of assisting injured employees. A VRTWC ...more
10133.60....Termination of Claims Administrator's Liability for the Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit
the offer of regular, modified or alternative work is on a similar seasonal basis to the employee's previous employment;   (2) the maximum funds of the voucher have ...more
10134....Attorney Fee Disclosure Statement Form
DWC Form 3, Attorney Fee Disclosure Statement Form. DWC Form 3, Attorney Fee Disclosure Statement Form.  (Spanish) Note: Authority cited: Sections 133 and 5307. 3, ...more
10135....Required Use of Form
Every attorney or his/her agent who consults with an injured worker or dependent is required to furnish the attorney fee disclosure statement form set forth in Section ...more
10135.1....Service of Form
Within 15 days of the employee's and attorney's execution of the disclosure form, a copy of the disclosure form shall be mailed to the employer or, if known, to the ...more
10136....General: Definitions
As used in this Article, the following definitions apply:   (a) Claims Administrator. The official Division of Workers' Compensation DWC Form 1 Employee's Claim for ...more
10137....General: Employer Obligation
Nothing in this article shall abrogate the duty of an employer to provide timely compensation to an injured worker, even if the employee has not completed and filed the ...more
10138....Claim Form and Notice of Potential Eligibility for Benefits
The employee's form for filing a workers' compensation claim (DWC 1) and the Notice of Potential Eligibility for Benefits is a mandatory form set forth in Section 10139 ...more
10139....Workers' Compensation Claim Form (DWC 1) and Notice of Potential Eligibility
Claim Form (DWC 1) Note: Authority cited: Sections 133, 5307. 3 and 5401, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 132(a), 139. 48, 139. 6, 4600, 4600. 3, 4601, 4604. 5, 4616, ...more
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