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10140....Employer's Responsibility to Process Claim Form, Claims Administrator's Duty to Provide Claim Form
(a) Within one working day of receipt of a claim form, the employer shall date the claim form and provide a dated copy of the form to the employee and the employer's ...more
10141....Dismissal of Inactive Claim by Operation of Law After Notice
We have not heard from you since we sent you a letter denying your claim on ________ [Date]. If you are still claiming benefits, you must file an Application for ...more
10142....Date of Denial for Purposes of End of Tolling of Limitations Period
  The written denial notice must be issued in accordance with the notice regulations in Title 8, CCR, Subchapter 1, Article 8, Sections 9810 et seq. in order to cease ...more
10150....Disability Evaluation Unit
The Disability Evaluation Unit, under the direction and authority of the administrative director, will issue permanent disability ratings as required under this ...more
10150.1....Signature Disputes and the Signatures of Consultants
(a) Anyone who disputes the authenticity of any signature must file with the Manager of the Disability Evaluation Unit an objection to the pleading or other document ...more
10150.2....Technical Unavailability of EAMS
Technical problems with filing documents shall be governed by section 10225 of title 8 of the California Code of Regulation.   Note: Authority cited: Sections 133 and ...more
10150.3....Disability Evaluation Unit File Retention
(a) Following a period of fifty (50) years after the filing of a document used to open a case or file, the Division of Workers' Compensation may destroy the electronic ...more
10150.4....Misfiled or Misdirected Documents
The authority to approve moving a document from one file to another file shall reside with the Manager of the Disability Evaluation Unit or his or her designee.   ...more
10151....Filing Requirements
Case opening document shall be assigned a case number by the Division of Workers' Compensation after filing. Documents or forms filed without a case number will be ...more
10151.1....Electronic Filing Exemption
If a document is filed with EAMS as part of the electronic filing trial, that document does not need to be filed in compliance with sections 10228 and 10232 of title 8 of ...more
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