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9792.23.6....Knee Disorders Guideline
The Administrative Director adopts and incorporates by reference the Knee Disorders Guideline (ACOEM October 28, 2015) into the MTUS from the ACOEM Practice Guidelines. ...more
9792.23.7....Ankle and Foot Disorders Guideline
The Administrative Director adopts and incorporates by reference the Ankle and Foot Disorders Guideline (ACOEM September 2015) into the MTUS from the ACOEM Practice ...more
9792.23.8....Stress Related Conditions
The Administrative Director adopts and incorporates by reference the Chronic Pain Guideline (ACOEM May 2017) into the MTUS from the ACOEM Practice Guidelines for ...more
9792.23.9....Eye Disorders Guideline
The Administrative Director adopts and incorporates by reference the Eye Disorders Guideline (ACOEM April 1, 2017) into the MTUS from the ACOEM Practice Guidelines.   ...more
9792.24....Special Topics
(a) Special topics refer to clinical topic areas where the Administrative Director has determined that the clinical topic sections of the MTUS require further ...more
9792.24.1....Acupuncture Medical Treatment Guidelines
Guidance for acupuncture treatment and evaluation are contained in the applicable Clinical Topics guidelines, and/or Chronic Pain Guideline, and/or Opioid Guideline. ...more
9792.24.2....Chronic Pain Guidelines
The Administrative Director adopts and incorporates by reference the Chronic Pain Guideline (ACOEM May 15, 2017) into the MTUS from the ACOEM Practice Guidelines for the ...more
9792.24.3....Postoperative Rehabilitation Guidelines
Guidance for postoperative rehabilitation treatment and evaluation are contained in the Clinical Topics guidelines, and/or Chronic Pain Guideline and/or Opioid Guideline. ...more
9792.24.4....Opioids Guidelines
(a) The Administrative Director adopts and incorporates by reference the Opioids Guideline (ACOEM April 20, 2017) into the MTUS from the ACOEM Practice Guidelines.   ...more
9792.25....Quality and Strength of Evidence - Definitions
  (6) “Case report” means a detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient.   (7) ...more
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