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9789.18.5....Anesthesia - Medically Supervised Rate
Only three base units per procedure is allowed when the anesthesiologist is involved in furnishing more than four procedures concurrently or is performing other services ...more
9789.18.6....Anesthesia - Multiple Anesthesia Procedures
(a) Physicians and non-physician practitioners shall bill for the anesthesia services associated with multiple bilateral surgeries by reporting the anesthesia procedure ...more
9789.18.7....Anesthesia - Medical and Surgical Services Furnished in Addition to Anesthesia Procedure
Payment may be made under the fee schedule for specific medical and surgical services furnished by the anesthesiologist as long as these services are reasonable and ...more
9789.18.8....Anesthesia - Time and Calculation of Anesthesia Time Units
(a) Anesthesia time is defined as the period during which an anesthesia practitioner is present with the patient. It starts when the anesthesia practitioner begins to ...more
9789.18.9....Anesthesia - Base Unit Reduction for Concurrent Medically Directed Procedures
If the physician medically directs concurrent medically directed procedures, reduce the number of base units for each concurrent procedure as follows.   (a) For two ...more
9789.19....Update Table
9789.20....General Information for Inpatient Hospital Fee Schedule - Discharge on or After July 1, 2004
(a) This Inpatient Hospital Fee Schedule section of the Official Medical Fee Schedule covers charges made by a hospital for inpatient services provided by the hospital. ...more
9789.21....Definitions for Inpatient Hospital Fee Schedule
  (g) “Cost-to-charge ratio” means the sum of the hospital specific operating cost-to-charge ratio and the hospital specific capital cost-to-charge ratio. ...more
9789.22....Payment of Inpatient Hospital Services
(A) Unless otherwise provided, except for inpatient services provided by a hospital transferring an inpatient to another hospital or post-acute care provider in ...more
9789.23....Hospital Cost to Charge Ratios, Hospital Specific Outliers, and Hospital Composite Factors
For discharges on or after January 1, 2004, hospital cost to charge ratios, hospital specific outliers, and hospital composite factors by date of discharge, are ...more
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