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9792....Determination of the Fee
(a) The fee is determined by the use of the Official Medical Fee Schedule as defined in Section 9791. 1 of these rules. A medical provider or a licensed health care ...more
9792.10....Utilization Review Standards-Dispute Resolution - For Utilization Review Decisions Communicated Prior to July 1, 2013 for Injuries Occurring Prior to January 1, 2013
The 20-day time limit may be extended for good cause or by mutual agreement of the parties.   (2) Medical care provided during a concurrent review shall be medical ...more
9792.10.1....Utilization Review Standards -Dispute Resolution - On or After January 1, 2013
Neither the employee nor the claims administrator shall have any liability for medical treatment furnished without the authorization of the claims administrator if the ...more
9792.10.2....Application for Independent Medical Review, DWC Form IMR
DWC Form IMR Note: Authority: Sections 133, 4603. 5, 4610. 5 and 5307. 3, Labor Code. New section filed 12-31-2012 as an emergency; operative 1-1-2013 pursuant to ...more
9792.10.3....Independent Medical Review - Initial Review of Application
(a) Following receipt of the Application for Independent Medical Review, DWC Form IMR, pursuant to section 9792. 10. 1(b), the Administrative Director shall determine ...more
9792.10.4....Independent Medical Review - Assignment and Notification
(a) The independent review organization delegated the responsibility by the Administrative Director to conduct independent medical review pursuant to Labor Code section ...more
9792.10.5....Independent Medical Review - Medical Records
(a) (1) Within fifteen (15) days following the mailing of the notification from the independent review organization that the disputed medical treatment has been assigned ...more
9792.10.6....Independent Medical Review - Standards and Timeframes
(a) The independent medical review process may be terminated at any time upon notice by the claims administrator to the independent review organization that the disputed ...more
9792.10.7....Independent Medical Review - Implementation of Determination and Appeal
(a) Upon receiving the final determination of the Administrative Director that a disputed medical treatment is medically necessary, the claims administrator shall, unless ...more
9792.10.8....Independent Medical Review - Payment for Review
(a) The costs of independent medical review and the administration of the independent medical review system shall be borne by claims administrators. For each Application ...more
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