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9792.27.17....Formulary - Dispute Resolution
  Disputes over the medical necessity of pharmaceutical treatment covered by the MTUS Drug Formulary are governed by the utilization review and independent medical ...more
9792.27.18....Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Composition; Application for Appointment; Term of Service
  (b) The P&T Committee shall consist of the Executive Medical Director, and six members appointed by the Administrative Director.   (1) The Executive Medical ...more
9792.27.19....Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Application for Appointment to Committee Form
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Application for Appointment to Committee Form Note: Authority cited: Sections 133, 4603. 5, 5307. 3 and 5307. 27, Labor Code. ...more
9792.27.2....MTUS Drug Formulary; MTUS Drug List; Scope of Coverage; Effective Date
  (b) Except for continuing drug treatment subject to section 9792. 27. 3, subdivision (b), a drug dispensed on or after January 1, 2018 for outpatient use shall be ...more
9792.27.20....Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Conflict of Interest
Appointed members of the P&T Committee must impartially perform formulary update review activities, and must be free of conflicts of interest. A P&T Committee member who ...more
9792.27.21....Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form Note: Authority cited: Sections 133, 4603. 5, 5307. 3 and 5307. 27, Labor Code. Reference: ...more
9792.27.22....Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Meetings
(a) The P&T Committee shall meet when deemed necessary by the Executive Medical Director, but no less frequently than quarterly.   (b) P&T Committee meetings shall be ...more
9792.27.23....MTUS Drug List Updates
(a) The Administrative Director shall consult with the P&T Committee as needed on updates to the MTUS Drug List, which may be adopted by the Administrative Director on a ...more
9792.27.3....MTUS Drug Formulary Transition
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), the MTUS Drug Formulary applies to drugs dispensed on or after January 1, 2018, regardless of the date of injury.   (b)(1) ...more
9792.27.4....MTUS Drug Formulary - Pharmacy Networks; Pharmacy Benefit Manager Contracts
Where an employer or insurer contracts pursuant to Labor Code section 4600. 2 with a pharmacy, a pharmacy benefit manager, or pharmacy network for the provision of drugs ...more
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