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9792.27.5....MTUS Drug Formulary - Off-Label Use
(a) Off-label use of a drug shall be in accordance with the MTUS Treatment Guidelines and rules and the MTUS Drug Formulary.   (b) Authorization through prospective ...more
9792.27.6....MTUS Drug Formulary - Access to Drugs Not Listed as an Exempt Drug on the MTUS Drug List
(a) Drug treatment that is in conformity with the MTUS Treatment Guidelines is presumed correct on the issue of extent and scope of medical treatment pursuant to section ...more
9792.27.7....MTUS Drug Formulary - Brand Name Drugs; Generic Drugs
The documentation must include the patient-specific factors that support the physician's determination that the brand name drug is medically necessary. The physician must ...more
9792.27.8....Physician-Dispensed Drugs
(a) Drugs dispensed by a physician must be authorized through prospective review prior to being dispensed, except as provided in subdivision (b), section 9792. 27. 12 ( ...more
9792.27.9....Compounded Drugs
(a) Compounded drugs must be authorized through prospective review prior to being dispensed. When it is necessary for medical reasons to prescribe or dispense a ...more
9792.5....Payment for Medical Treatment
This section is applicable to medical treatment rendered before October 15, 2011.   (2) “Medical treatment” means the treatment to which an employee is ...more
  (b) “Billing Agent” means a person or entity that has contracted with a health care provider or health care facility to process bills for services provided ...more
9792.5.1....Medical Billing and Payment Guide; Electronic Medical Billing and Payment Companion Guide; Various Implementation Guides
  (3) California Division of Workers' Compensation Medical Billing and Payment Guide, Version 1. 2. 1, for bills submitted on or after February 12, 2014.   (4) ...more
9792.5.10....Independent Bill Review - Document Filing
(a) The independent bill reviewer assigned the request shall review all information provided by the parties to determine if any additional information is necessary to ...more
9792.5.11....Withdrawal of Independent Bill Review
The provider may, concurrent with written notice to the claims administrator, withdraw a request for independent bill review at any time prior to the issuance of a final ...more
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