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Industry Insights

MILK: Using the Law to Help You Fight Fraud 12/19/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
By Brent Heurter A myth among employers that must be eliminated, destroyed and dismantled is that employers can do nothing about Insurance Fraud. California's insurance code, like many state fraud provisions, provides one of the best opportunities for the government and the private sector...Read More
MPN Regulations - An Alternative Perspective 10/09/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
The following is a rebuttal view point to the article by York McGavin, which appeared in this space during the last article rotation period, on the issue of the presently proposed Medical Provider Network regulations. Since the article by McGavin, and this rebuttal, the regulations have again been a...Read More
MPN Regulations - A Perspective 09/25/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
Our Administrative Director, Andrea Hoch, deserves much praise for demonstrating a forthright willingness to timely tackle the numerous Herculean tasks heaped upon her shoulders, to be accomplished in a the frightenly short time-frames mandated by the recent passage of SB 899. There can be no doubt...Read More
Marketing Voc Rehab Services in Changing Times 07/09/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
When your customer-base changes, it's time to review your marketing approaches. In voc rehab, I think it would be an understatement to say that our customer-base is changing. Soon-to-be gone are the days when you could rely on referrals from attorneys (if you are a counselor) and counselors (i...Read More
Marketing Voc Rehab Services in Changing Times 07/03/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
When your customer-base changes, it's time to review your marketing approaches. In voc rehab, I think it would be an understatement to say that our customer-base is changing. Soon-to-be gone are the days when you could rely on referrals from attorneys (if you are a counselor) and counselors (i...Read More
Moving Toward Empowerment 06/19/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
When we experience a loss, a wide and confusing range of emotions follows. As we tell our clients, and ourselves, there is no real order to the process when a loss or change is experienced and emotions often overlap one another. How an individual copes with the change differs based on wh...Read More
My Vocational Rehabilitation Experience 06/19/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
My Vocational Rehabilitation Experience by JOE GRANATA In early 2001 the cumulative stress to an already Disability-rated low back had brought me to the realization that my career as a Police Captain was nearing the end. After twenty-six plus years as a dedicated law enfo...Read More
My Vocational Rehabilitation Experience 06/19/2004
State: FL | Segment: | 0
My Vocational Rehabilitation Experience by JOE GRANATA In early 2001 the cumulative stress to an already Disability-rated low back had brought me to the realization that my career as a Police Captain was nearing the end. After twenty-six plus years as a dedicated law enfo...Read More
MI Honors the Victims of Workplace and Roadway Accidents 05/12/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
Honoring the Michigan road workers who lost their lives, and addressing ways to prevent workplace and roadway accidents; workers, construction associations and safety professionals Tuesday hosted the "Give'em a Brake" coalition reception in front of the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, MI....Read More
Med-Legal Reports and Unrepresented Injured Workers 05/08/2004
State: CA | Segment: | 0
Obtaining Admissible Medical Legal Reports With Unrepresented Injured Workers By Richard JacobsmeyerOne of the issues that has been frequently discussed since the passage of SB 899 is the ability of defendants to obtain medical legal exams under LC sections 4060, 4061...Read More
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