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Industry Insights


Torrey: Taking One for the Team 02/15/2019
Source: David B. Torrey
State: PA | Segment: Top | 0
The issue of safety incentive programs in the workplace has been current for a number of years now. A common concern is that safety programs that promise a periodic bonus to all, if no injuries occur, may create anxiety among workers that they should avoid reporting their injuries. ...Read More

Weinmann: All Is Not Well in California and Hawaii 02/14/2019
Source: Robert Weinmann
State: NA | Segment: Top | 1
Duty of care (King v. CompPartners) was reviewed in this column in October. The case involved the sudden discontinuation by a utilization review physician of patient Kirk King's klonopin. ...Read More

Young: It's About Time 02/13/2019
Source: Julius Young
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
The California Division of Workers’ Compensation has now announced free online access to medical evidence-based treatment guidelines for medical providers. ...Read More

Goldstein: Proposals Will Likely Increase Medicare Advantage Plan Enrollment 02/12/2019
Source: Jean S. Goldstein
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently released Part II of a set of proposals that CMS indicates “will take significant steps in continuing the agency’s efforts to maximize competition among Medicare Advantage Plans (MAP) and Part D plans.” ...Read More

Moore: Where Small Claims Can Turn to Crises 02/11/2019
Source: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Most medical-only claims adjusting sections in a claims processing manual consist of very few pages. Lost time adjusting takes up the majority of a third-party administrator or insurance carrier claims manual. ...Read More
Lynch: The Wizard Behind The Curtain, Part 1 02/07/2019
Source: Tom Lynch
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Suddenly, everybody’s out to get pharmacy benefit managers: the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, state legislatures, state Medicaid officials, a boatload of experts and even President Donald Trump, who appears to actually and sincerely believe PBMs have created a rigged system....Read More

Siefkes: Catastrophic or Not? 02/06/2019
Source: W. Robert Siefkes
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
I recently resolved a case involving a health care worker’s exposure to the measles virus during the course of her usual and customary work activities. It caused rather substantial neurological impairments. The neurologic injuries were accepted. ...Read More

Paduda: What Is Transparency? 02/05/2019
Source: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Buyers are asking health care intermediaries for “transparency.” I’ll try to concisely describe what this transparency thing is. ...Read More

Gorman: Let's Cap the Well 02/04/2019
By: Patrick C. Gorman
State: CA | Segment: Top | 1
We have been seeing a cottage industry in the area of non-independent bill review medical-legal disputes over the past three years. ...Read More

Thompson: A Bill of Rights to Limit Absurd Managed Care Fees 02/01/2019
By: Barry Thompson
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
A properly incentivized third-party administrator must share in the challenge of a claim and not profit from failure. Limitless managed care fees provide no credible incentive to resolve work comp claims. ...Read More
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