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Industry Insights


Smith: Do You Belong to the Coalition FOR Insurance Fraud? 05/14/2018
Source: Matthew J. Smith
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
The headline is hardly a typo, nor does it refer to the honest organization called the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud. ...Read More

Langham: Injury and Sufficiency Debates 05/11/2018
Source: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
A recent news story reminded me of heart attack cases in Florida. I recall trying to explain Florida heart attack law to many ...Read More

Keefe: More Goofy Legislation in Workers' Comp 05/10/2018
By: Eugene Keefe
State: IL | Segment: Top | 0
Last month, the Illinois House of Representatives passed a bill that would again supposedly set up a tiny government insurer for the residual market. ...Read More

Goldstein: How Medicare's Interests Should Be Considered in Certain Settlements 05/09/2018
Source: Jean S. Goldstein
State: NE | Segment: Top | 0
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, through various memorandums and guides, has clearly stated that “[w]hile there are no statutory or regulatory provisions requiring that a (workers’ compensation Medicare set-aside) proposal be submitted to CMS for review, submission of...Read More

Luna: Workers' Comp Needs Quality Measures for Clinical Practice Guidelines 04/27/2018
By: Carlos Luna
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has announced it will no longer fund its National Guideline Clearinghouse. ...Read More

Moore: Court Says Rx OK Even if Not FDA-Approved 05/08/2018
By: James Moore
State: NC | Segment: Top | 0
A North Carolina Appeals Court rendered a very interesting decision earlier this month that was a shocker. I am not saying whether or not I agree with the decision. Those kinds of decisions are best left to the courts.   ...Read More
Lynch: This Can't Go On Forever, Right? 05/07/2018
Source: Tom Lynch
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
"The ratio of wages to the cost of living is what the economist calls real wages; the desirability of having real wages as high as possible, consistent with high employment, is a social objective. Rises in real wages do for the most part come about in fact as a consequence of rises in pr...Read More

Wickert: The Effect of X-Mods on Comp Insurance Premiums 05/04/2018
By: Gary L. Wickert
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
It is said that good judgment comes with experience, but experience comes from bad judgment. ...Read More

De Silva: Why Workplace Safety Auditors Don't Work 05/03/2018
By: Lakshan De Silva
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
For decades, workplace safety has been about reactively auditing the work environment to pass a “tick box” exercise. This has not only led to high and sometimes fatal costs to businesses, but also higher expenses, more losses and a general inability to improve safety. ...Read More

Young: More on Tesla 05/02/2018
Source: Julius Young
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Journalists at the Center for Investigative Reporting have recently published an analysis of alleged widespread safety issues at the Fremont plant where Tesla ...Read More
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