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Industry Insights

Mullen & Filippi: Winners and Losers 03/06/2018
By: Mullen & Filippi
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
The Olympics have concluded. Watching the athletes reminds us that, even when you try your best, you cannot win every time. In this edition of the Bulletin, we report on some recent wins and losses. Defining 'sudden and extraordinary' On Feb.&nbs...Read More

George and Walls: Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Management 03/05/2018
By: Kimberly George and Mark Walls
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
One of the areas of focus on "Out Front Ideas with Kimberly and Mark" has been addressing chronic pain without opioids. ...Read More

Young: The Effect of Self-Procured Treatment 03/02/2018
By: Julius Young
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
What is the effect on a claim for temporary disability or permanent disability if a worker self-procures treatment that was denied by utilization review and independent medical review? ...Read More

Keefe: Court Clarifies Post-Decision Interest 03/01/2018
Source: Eugene Keefe
State: IL | Segment: Top | 0
I admit to being mildly surprised by this important ruling and I think our Illinois workers' compensation textbook might need updating. ...Read More

Stephens: A Curious Pursuit of Obscure Knowledge 02/28/2018
Source: John Stephens
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Now that the Philadelphia Eagles have won their first Super Bowl title, only one team with an all-time winning record has never won the Big Game. Coincidentally, that team is the Minnesota Vikings, in whose stadium Super Bowl LII was played Feb. 4. These factoids are just a small sampling of the ...Read More

Gelman: Can Comp System Be Vaccinated Against Flu? 02/27/2018
By: Jon L. Gelman
State: NJ | Segment: Top | 0
This flu season has been epidemic. It has severely affected the occupational health network and created challenges not foreseen by the crafters of the 1911 workers’ compensation acts in New Jersey.  ...Read More

Paduda: Are You Being Gamed? 02/26/2018
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
I’ve had a number of conversations of late with self-insured employers about their workers’ comp “savings” reports. One thing that keeps coming up is how — and why — vendors game the numbers. ...Read More

Moore: Medical Networks Key to Employee Health and Savings 02/23/2018
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Workers' compensation medical networks have always provided a large return on investment.  Injured employees receive the best medical treatment, and the employer cuts its workers comp costs. ...Read More

Boddicker: Comp Reform Bills of Interest Introduced 02/22/2018
By: Daniel J. Boddicker
State: IL | Segment: Top | 0
House Bill 5240 is an effort from the workers' compensation gurus at the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce that amends the state Workers' Compensation Act to require a recipient of some pain management medications to sign a written agreement with the prescribing physician,...Read More

Langham: Comparing Funding Processes 02/21/2018
By: David Langham
State: FL | Segment: Top | 0
There are different ways to fund workers' compensation systems. This post compares North Carolina's model to Florida's. ...Read More
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