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Industry Insights


Wickert: Subrogation Adjusters Can Now Sign Medical Expense Affidavits 07/17/2018
Source: Gary L. Wickert
State: TX | Segment: Top | 0
A generation ago, subrogation professionals were almost unheard of. Over the years, however, as prudent businesses and insurance companies began to insist on their statutory and contractual rights of subrogation, the profession has grown. ...Read More

Grinberg: 'Knowledge' Can Come Only From QME 07/16/2018
Source: Gregory Grinberg
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Your humble blogger brings you the disappointing news of another defeat for the statute of limitations defense. ...Read More

Langham: A Comp Laude Overview, Community and Commitment 07/13/2018
Source: David Langham
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
The Comp Laude awards have become a part of the American workers' compensation landscape. ...Read More

Paduda: Why We're Not Solving Opioid Addiction 07/12/2018
Source: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
The reason opioid abuse disorder (OAD) is such a huge problem is because no one’s figured out how to A) fix it while B) making a shipload of money. ...Read More

Beach: Fear of Paralysis 07/11/2018
By: Hayden Beach
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
When I was growing up, I loved to read books, especially horror novels. As any good horror reader knows, Stephen King is one of the best. ...Read More

Moore: Fee Schedules = Less Costly Claims and Premiums 07/10/2018
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Virtually all workers' compensation fee schedules cut comp costs across the board.  ...Read More

Frederick: Workplace Wearables: New Use of Big Data 07/09/2018
By: Mark Frederick
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
Wearables continue to be the hottest topic in smart technology because of gadgets like Fitbits, Apple Watches and Nike Fuelbands. But what about a wearable that uses big data to revolutionize workplace safety? ...Read More

Torrey: New Article Describes VA Disability Claims Procedure, Advocates for Change 07/06/2018
Source: David B. Torrey
State: NA | Segment: Top | 0
In a new, well-crafted article, a recent law graduate and former naval officer outlines in brief the law and procedure of veterans’ disability benefits claims, and sets forth a criti...Read More

Duff: Wyoming's Strange Workers' Compensation Non-Relationship With Wal-Mart 07/05/2018
By: Michael C. Duff
State: WY | Segment: Top | 0
More from my excursion writing a Wyoming workers’ compensation treatise. ...Read More

Young: UR Accreditation Deadline Looms 06/22/2018
Source: Julius Young
State: CA | Segment: Top | 0
Will many utilization review organizations miss the upcoming July 1 deadline for utilization review accreditation? ...Read More
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