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Industry Insights


Paduda: Opioids, NSAIDs and Better Options 06/26/2024
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
The Workers Compensation Research Institute's latest report on drugs in workers’ comp has some excellent news:...Read More

Paduda: State Moves That Will Affect Workers' Comp 06/25/2024
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
The state legislation that will most affect workers’ comp is often not about workers’ comp. Rather, it deals with other parts of the health care ecosystem. For example: ...Read More

Paduda: The Latest on Workers' Comp Pharmacy 06/24/2024
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
We are finishing up our annual survey of pharmacy benefits management in workers’ comp. Here are three findings from the 15 we’ve done so far. ...Read More

Montgomery: Athens Halts Processing 99 Cents Stores Bills 06/21/2024
By: Catherine Montgomery
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
In April, 99 Cents Only Stores LLC declared bankruptcy, leaving the self-insured employer with no way to pay its third-party administrator, Athens Administrators, for handling its injured employees’ claims. ...Read More

Kamin and Larres: En Banc Decision Clarifies Kite Rebuttals 06/20/2024
By: John P. Kamin and Louis A. Larres
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board has issued a new en banc decision clarifying how applicants’ attorneys may rebut the Permanent Disability Rating Schedule to add PD and get higher monetary values. ...Read More
CAAA: Cal Fire Battles More Than Flames 06/18/2024
By: California Applicants' Attorneys Association
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
The California Legislature has maintained a laser focus on combating wildfires, in part because of the breathtaking cost to suppress them: In the last 10 years, Cal Fire has pulled $7.5 billion from the state emergency fund to fight fires, including about $1.2 billion in 2022. Despite the...Read More

Moore: Workers' Comp Budgeting After the Pandemic 06/17/2024
By: James Moore
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
One of the most difficult tasks for employers in the post-pandemic era requires a large amount of data analysis. Workers' comp budgeting adds more complexities to the mix. ...Read More

Paduda: OSHA Makes Progress on Heat Exposure 06/14/2024
By: Joe Paduda
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
In a key step to help protect workers from excessive heat, OSHA’s Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) met to review a draft rule’s initial regulatory framework....Read More
CAAA: SB 1299's Heat Presumption Is Critical 06/13/2024
By: California Applicants' Attorneys Association
State: CA | Segment: WEST | 0
Late last month, the California Senate voted 29-9 to pass SB 1299, by Sen. Dave Cortese, D-Campbell). The bill now moves to the Assembly Insurance Committee. SB 1299 would create a presumption that heat-related injuries and illnesses arose out of employment for outdoor agri...Read More

Snyder: Tolstoy on Mediated Settlements 06/12/2024
By: Teddy Snyder
State: NA | Segment: NATIONAL | 0
All successful mediations are alike. Each unsuccessful mediation is unsuccessful in its own way. ...Read More
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