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Term: EAMS
Definition: Acronym for California's Division of Workers' Compensation Electronic Adjudication Management System - an Internet based case management system for the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board bought on-line in August, 2008 and intended to replace the Electronic Data Exchange (EDEX) system.
Term: EDD
Definition: Acronym for 'Employment Development Department'. A division of the State of California's Department of Industrial Relations charged with the duty of providing disability and unemployment benefits.
Term: EDEX
Definition: DWC's Electronic Data Exchange system whereby a person may send and receive information to and from the DWC electronically. EDEX offers the public user the sole electronic access point to the WCAB's database of past, current, and pending cases.
Term: Employee
Definition: A person who performs services subject to the direction and control of another for compensation.
Term: Employer
Definition: A person or entity subject to the provisions of the workers' compensation laws of the State of California.
Term: Expedited
Definition: A trial on limited issues requiring emergency attention. Issues are generally limited to entitlement to temporary disability indemnity or medical treatment.