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Term: F & A
Definition: Acronym for 'Findings and Award'. This is a combination document issued by a workers' compensation judge after a hearing describing the judge's factual and legal determinations, and the Award based on those determinations. See also 'Award'.
Term: Fee Schedule
Definition: Short for 'Relative Value of Services Fee Schedule'. The schedule of medical services and the fees for those services published by the State of California which are presumed reasonable.
Term: Fee-for-Service
Definition: The traditional method doctors and hospitals use for billing health care services; usually the insurance company pays the bill with the addition of a co-payment by the policyholder.
Term: Findings & Award
Definition: This is a combination document issued by a workers' compensation judge after a hearing describing the judge's factual and legal determinations, and the Award based on those determinations. AKA 'F&A'. See also 'Award'.
Term: FMLA
Definition: Acronym for 'Family Medical Leave Act'. Generically refers to both Federal and State laws governing the rights of persons seeking time off of work for certain medical and family situations.
Term: Formal Conference
Definition: A hearing before a Rehabilitation Unit consultant. Vocational rehabilitation disputes have original jurisdiction in the Rehabilitation Unit before a Rehabilitation Consultant. Essentially a 'trial' of rehabilitation disputes. If the dispute is not resolved at this stage then the parties may 'appeal' for a new hearing before a workers' compensation judge.