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Term: QIW
Definition: Acronym for 'Qualified Injured Worker' - a term of art describing eligibility for vocational rehabilitation.
Term: QME
Definition: Acronym for 'Qualified Medical Examination'. Depending on whether an injured worker is represented by an attorney or not, this may be either an impartial medical examination by a doctor selected by the injured worker from a State provided panel, or an examination set up by an attorney specifically for the purpose of proving a contested medical issue. See also AME.
Term: QRR
Definition: Qualified Rehabilitation Representative
Term: Qualified Medical Examination
Definition: Depending on whether an injured worker is represented by an attorney or not, this may be either an impartial medical examination by a doctor selected by the injured worker from a State provided panel, or an examination set up by an attorney specifically for the purpose of proving a contested medical issue. See also Agreed Medical Examination.