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Term: C & R
Definition: Acronym for Compromise & Release. The document by which a workers' compensation case is settled in lump sum, typically settling any and all outstanding issues. A case can be settled at virtually any time by C&R, but must be approved by a workers' compensation judge. See also Award.
Term: C.T.
Definition: Acronym for 'Continuous Trauma' - an injury which occurs over the course of time.
Term: CAAA
Definition: Acronym for California Applicants Attorneys Association. A professional organization of attorneys that specialize in the practice of representing injured workers before the California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board.
Term: CCC
Definition: California Compensation Cases. Published by Lexis/Nexis, the standard citation for California workers' compensation case law. Includes both published opinions, and summaries of cases where the appellate courts have denied writs of review (see Writ Denied).
Definition: Acronym for California Workers' Compensation Defense Attorneys Association. A professional organization of attorneys that specialize in the representation of employers and insurance companies in litigated claims before the California Workers' Compensaiton Appeals Board.
Term: Center for Medicare Services
Definition: The federal agency responsible for management of Medicare. AKA the acronym 'CMS.'
Term: Claim Form
Definition: The form filled out by an injured employee to initiate a workers' compensation claim. This form has important legal ramifications.
Term: CMS
Definition: Center for Medicare Services - the federal agency responsible for management of Medicare.
Term: Commutation
Definition: Reducing a sum of money due at a certain rate, for a period of time, to its present value.
Term: Compensable
Definition: A claim for which workers' compensation benefits are due. See also AOE/COE.
Term: Compromise and Release
Definition: The document by which a workers' compensation case is settled in lump sum, typically settling any and all outstanding issues. A case can be settled at virtually any time by Compromise and Release, but must be approved by a workers' compensation judge. See also Award.
Term: Contested Claim
Definition: A workers' compensation claim where: (1) the employer rejects liability for it; or (2) the employer fails to accept liability for it; or (3) the employer fails to timely respond to a demand for benefits.
Term: Continuous Trauma
Definition: An injury which occurs over the course of time.
Term: Coordination of benefits
Definition: When an individual is covered under two separate policies, benefits are coordinated to avoid paying more than 100 percent of covered services.